俺の姉ちゃん、あだ名が魔王。 全国の書店員さんの共感度5つ★ 話題沸騰の連作小説集「スモールワールズ」所収の短編「魔王の帰還」を、新鋭・嵐山のりが最速コミカライズ! ある事件をきっかけに野球部をやめ、けだるい日々を送る高校生・鉄二の家に突然、嫁いだ姉ちゃんが帰ってきた。 身長188cm、体重怖くて訊けない、名前が真央で、あだ名は魔王。 色々スケールでかすぎの姉ちゃんと、図体は大きいけど小心者の弟が共闘する、破天荒で切なくて、何より熱い夏休み! After quitting baseball because of a certain incident, Tetsuji has been spending his high school days listlessly until one day, his married elder sister suddenly returned home. She’s 188cm tall and he’s too scared to ask of her weight. Her name’s Mao and her nickname is Maou a.k.a Demon King. Tetsu is also big-sized but he is timid unlike his sister who is huge in many ways, and they are about to spend an unexpectedly sad yet fiery summer holiday together.