勇者が魔王を倒し、封印した―…。 しかしその封印もその場しのぎに過ぎない。 復活せし時は勇者の血を引くものが再び立ち上がる。 そのはずが…当の勇者はまだチェリー。 30歳までに子供を作らないと魔法使いになってしまう! 世界を護るため、勇者の命がけの婚活が幕を開けるのだった…。 The hero had finally defeated the demon lord, sealing him. However, the seal he had used was only temporary. Should evil rise again, the descendants of the hero shall follow in his steps. At least… That was the plan. It’s too bad that the hero is still a virgin! If he doesn’t have children by 30, he’ll become a wizard! And so, the hero desperately begins his journey to find a wife…